Interview to Anathema's Daniel Cavanagh

Some bands enter your life and stay with you. They become a central part of your life. Years go by and release after release, the band grows and evolves together with you (or you with them). Anathema is one of those bands for me. The melodies and emotion of 1998's Alternative 4 moved me. I knew I had discovered a band that had something special, something that set them apart. This feeling became even stronger the following year with the release of Judgement . Anathema had found themselves as a band, they were not afraid to take risks and I was happy to go with them wherever they wanted to lead me. For the first interview on this blog, I could not resist the opportunity to speak to Anathema, and Daniel Cavanagh was kind enough to answer my questions. Anathema's last few releases have seen the band evolve into a more stripped down minimalist sound. I love these albums and find them incredibly beautiful and moving but Judgement has always remained my all time Anathema...