Alcest - Shelter (2014)

Originating from France, Alcest is a band that creates utterly beautiful music with shoe gaze, post rock and dream pop influences. In Shelter the band leaves behind bursts of guitar, all the elements are smoothed out and melody, beauty and ethereal qualities are emphasised to great effect. 

From album opener Wings/Opale all the way to the closing track Deliverance, the album takes the listener into an ethereal otherworld. This is a soundtrack of wonder and beauty. In this regard, apart from the the album opener and closing track mentioned above, I would highlight Voix Sereines. Placed half-way through the album is the heart of the album with a great mix of delicate sounds and lullaby-like feel.

Best of all, though, the album is consistent in quality and concise at 47 minutes. The songs are great on their own but are best appreciated in the context of the album. The mix of post rock and dream pop qualities is perfectly blended and the band manages to sound honest and true, never generic. Like many other bands before, who moved from darker territories to lighter sound-scapes (think Opeth's Damnation or Anathema's latest albums) Alcest have managed to create a very special album.

Rating: Good Vibrations


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