Sirenia - Perils of the Deep (2013)

Sirenia has been around for a long time. In fact, Sirenia main man Morten Veland was one of the founders of Tristania. The band has been too unstable in terms of band members and singers and this has affected their output, but this is the third album with singer Aylin and it's a killer. 

The album opens with a beautiful intro playing on classical music, opera and gothic sounds. The second track is Seven Widows Deep (see the video below), which is one of the highlights of the album and is a perfect example of all the best Sirenia has to offer. Brutal riffs, soaring vocals, strong harsh vocals, choral arrangements and symphonic flourishes. The song is heavy, dark and strong but also melodic and beautiful.

This is Sirenia's most varied album. It harks back to the sound of their older albums but also explores new ground. Ditt Endelikt fo instance is a surprisingly straight forward and uplifting rock song with catchy hooks and licks and Morten Veland singing clean. On the other hand Stille Kom Doden is a twelve minute long song with an assured doom tone that also delivers the most beautiful melodic passages of the album. 

Both Morten Veland and Aylin have obviously worked incredibly hard the last two years. The songs are top notch and Aylin's voice has grown enormously. This is a killer album that should make Sirenia fans happy but will also hopefully propel the band to the next level. They certainly deserve it. 

Rating: Heavy Rotation


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