Asian Envy - Everyone [Except You] (2013)

Asian Envy is an electro dance/pop duo from Melbourne, Australia. Their first album was fun filled and playful electro pop and their second album doesn't disappoint but it goes in a completely different direction. 

Everyone [Except You] is much more mature, grand in scale and with darker shades. It features a wide range of collaborations including an opera singer in the beautifully bombastic and grand The Visitor. The sound is crisp, with massive beats and a great number of layers. The songs lean to club dance but also include a few quieter and melodic moments to break up the album. My particular highlights in the album are the powerful beats of album opening Hangover, the dance anthem The Wolf, the quiet transition in the middle of the album with Serenade and The Side Effect and the awesome melodic pop hook of The Absence.    

The guys in Asian Envy have always been fiercely independent and ambitious. This album is no different. They have self funded and produced the album themselves once more. The songs are great in scope, the production is flawless and if their previous videos (which were produced and directed by themselves) are anything to go by, their upcoming videos (they have the intention of making a video for every song in the album!) are going to be equally as good. 

I can't but admire their passion and dedication.

Rating: Heavy Rotation


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